Achieve Success by Living with Purpose

Cherish your good health.

Growing up I was always healthy. I was very active and had a go getter attitude. Everything changed when I turned 19. One day all of a sudden I felt very weak as if I was going to pass out. It was a very scary event, but I noticed I would start to have them happen once or twice a day. I was going to doctors but they were stumped with what was wrong. Within 6 months my whole body had changed. I gained over 100 lbs in a year and never left my bed. Simple things like going to a store was difficult. Because doctors had no clue what was wrong. Many negative people around me made fun of me. Told me I was lazy, and fat. My own mother didn’t believe me and would tell me I was faking it for attention. It was a very hard time in my life. Because I was losing control in all areas of my life, and all I was trying to do was survive. I struggled for years with this illness. I moved to Rochester MN to live near the best hospital in the country, the Mayo Clinic. After about 6 years of feeling very ill and hopeless I tried something different. I was going to change my mindset. I didn’t care if I woke up feeling like crap everyday, and was crotched over the toilet. I was going to tell myself I was healthy. I made myself laugh everyday, and stop focusing on how I felt. Yes it was hard at first, but I started to get down a momentum. I wasn’t going to let it define me. I made it my life’s passion to use the best tool ever handed to me in good use ( my brain )…..I am now 31. A lot more healthy. I have that pass out feeling maybe once a year now not three, four times a day. I can say I feel a million times better! The biggest lesson for me was to appreciate your health. It can be taken away from you in an instant. Not only that, but your whole life needs your health. That is what fuels you and gives you the opportunities in life. And the second largest lesson I learned was, Love heals all. A positive mindset and the way you think can dictate your whole life. 🙂

1 Comment

  1. Adrienne

    9 years ago

    Wow….thanks for sharing and I agree! Your health is the foundation of your life. So glad you moved away from the negativity! You’re absolutely beautiful!


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